Monday, February 20, 2012

Where can I find information about removing tubal inserts or reversing the Essure procedure?

I had a procedure done called Essure. This is supposed to be considered a permanent souce of birth control that does not require surgery or hospitalization. It is reversable, but it requires surgery to remove the tubal inserts. I need more information about the reversal procedure, and how much it costs.Where can I find information about removing tubal inserts or reversing the Essure procedure?Another site where you can get additional information is at: (they have a Women's Health board there too) and also at: can I find information about removing tubal inserts or reversing the Essure procedure?The essure procedure is a permanent form of sterilization. The nickel wire tubes that are now in your fallopian tubes has caused those tubes to permanently scar. Those scars can not be corrected. Perhaps an IUD would have served you better or maybe some more thought before you acted?

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Where can I find information about removing tubal inserts or reversing the Essure procedure?I am a reporter doing a story on Essure for Washington DC's District Chronicles. I am looking for either a patient who has gone through with Essure or a Doctor who has performed the procedure. If you are either please e-mail me.

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