Monday, February 20, 2012

Where do I find information online about bankruptcy laws for free ?

I need to file a chapter 7 bankruptcy, and looking for free information on the web about the laws and how one would file on their own without a lawyer. I have heard of normal people filing their own bankruptcy, but I don't know where to begin. Search engines seem to lead nowhere and I'm just looking for some great public interest web sites.Where do I find information online about bankruptcy laws for free ?I know you want to find the information online, but doing so is so difficult because of all the crap on the net. If you want to make it much easier on yourself, just go to your local public library and look in and around the 345.000 section. There are a ton of very good books that tell you everything you need to know.

Bankruptcy laws are federal in nature, so neither your local courthouse nor your state's website can tell you anything.Where do I find information online about bankruptcy laws for free ?Type in your State and then the word bankruptcy. Good luck filing without an attorney. Not a DIY project.Where do I find information online about bankruptcy laws for free ?Google: Filing Bankruptcy indepentlyWhere do I find information online about bankruptcy laws for free ?
Look on your state or county website or check local courthouse websites.

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